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Troubleshooting empty notification emails

Lightspeed eCom provides several automated email notifications. These emails are sent to your customers when a specific event or action occurs with their account or online order, such as an order confirmation or cancellation, a shipping notification, a new account confirmation, and so on. The emails include default body text that you can customize for your online store. For more information, see Creating customer emails.

If your customers are receiving empty emails or emails containing incorrect information, check the following:

  • For empty emails, make sure the email or emails in question have body text. In the Back Office, go to Settings > WEBSITE SETTINGS > Notification emails, and click the corresponding email notification(s) to review the contents.
  • For emails containing erroneous information, check to make sure you haven't omitted a required key or keys in the body text/subject line. In the Back Office, go to Settings > WEBSITE SETTINGS > Notification emails, and click the corresponding email notification(s) to review the contents. For information about required keys, see Creating customer emails.

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