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3 b. Rain - variables

This article describes RAIN variables and explains how to use them. It includes these topics:

Declaring variables

To print out the result of an expression to the template, use the double curly braces.

For example:

{{ page.title }}

For a full list of all variables available to you at all times, you can always have a look at the developer toolbar. Consult the Development Tools for more details.

Note: Some of these variables displayed here are contained in an array and you will need a FOR loop to go through its all instances.


{% for brands in shop.brands %}

Setting variables

You can declare your own variables by using the “set” statement within the same page.


{% set fruit = 'apples' %} I like {{ fruit }}!

I like apples!

Global variables


The shop variables contain all data associated to the shop.

Variable Description
shop.domain Domain name of the shop
shop.canonical Canonical of the shop
shop.name Name of the shop
shop.title Title of the shop

Description of the shop, used for meta description

Note: shop.description is always overwritten by the product's meta description on the product page. If there is no meta description available then the shop.description will be used as a fallback.

shop.keywords Keywords of the shop, used for meta tags
shop.languages.{{ language.code }}.code Language code of selected language
shop.languages.{{ language.code }}.url URL of selected language
shop.languages.{{ language.code }}.title Full title of selected language
shop.languages.{{ language.code }}.active Expresses boolean if selected language is active
shop.language The language that’s active for the visitor
shop.language2.code Language code of active language for the visitor
shop.language2.url URL of active language for the visitor
shop.language2.title Full title of active language for the visitor
shop.language2.active Expresses boolean of active language for the visitor
shop.cookies.toolbar Shows if the cookie toolbar is enabled or not
shop.cookies.strict Will be false if users decide to ask for confirmation rather than display the Yes/No choice.
shop.cookies.accept Boolean value that shows if the users accepted the cookie law
shop.cookies.message Custom message in the cookie bar if user decides to input one
shop.cookies.analytics If users choose to have a custom message, they can manage which type of cookies they allow individually
shop.cookies.social See cookies.analytics
shop.cookies.ads See cookies.analytics
shop.currencies.{{ currency.code }}.url URL of selected currency
shop.currencies.{{ currency.code }}.symbol Symbol of selected currency
shop.currencies.{{ currency.code }}.code Currency code of selected currency
shop.currencies.{{ currency.code }}.title Full title of selected currency
shop.currencies.{{ currency.code }}.active Expresses boolean of selected currency
shop.currency The currency that’s active for the visitor
shop.currency2.url URL of active currency for the visitor
shop.currency2.symbol Symbol of active currency for the visitor (ex $ )
shop.currency2.code Currency code of active currency for the visitor
shop.currency2.title Full title of active currency for the visitor
shop.currency2.active Expresses boolean of active currency for the visitor
shop.base_currency This is the basic currency
shop.domains.normal URL of the shop
shop.domains.secure SSL location of the shop
shop.domains.assets Asset location
shop.domains.files Storage location for files
shop.hallmarks.{{ hallmark.id }}.new_window Expresses boolean for selected hallmark should open in a new window
shop.hallmarks.{{ hallmark.id }}.url URL of the selected hallmark
shop.hallmarks.{{ hallmark.id }}.image Image URL of the selected hallmark
shop.hallmarks.{{ hallmark.id }}.title Full title of selected hallmark
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }} The selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.id ID of the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.url URL of the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.title Title of the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.articles.{{ articles.id }}.id ID of the articles in the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.articles.{{ articles.id }}.image Image of the articles in the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.articles.{{ articles.id }}.url URL of the articles in the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.articles.{{ articles.id }}.title Title of the articles in the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.articles.{{ articles.id }}.summary Summary of the articles in the selected blog
shop.blogs.{{ blog.title }}.articles.{{ articles.id }}.date Date of the articles in the selected blog
shop.links.service These are the different service links
shop.links.service.{{ service.id }}.new_window Expresses boolean for selected service link should open in a new window
shop.links.service.{{ service.id }}.url URL of the selected service link
shop.links.service.{{ service.id }}.title Full title of selected service link
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.id ID of the selected category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.parent ID of the selected parent category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.path Path of the selected category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.depth Amount of path of the selected category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.image Image of the selected category, if uploaded
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.type Type of the selected category: ‘category’, ‘text’
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.url URL of the selected category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.title Full title of the selected category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.description Description of the selected category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.count Count of products in the selected category
shop.categories.{{ category.id }}.subs These are all sub categories in the selected category
shop.brands.{{ brand.id }}.id ID of the selected brand
shop.brands.{{ brand.id }}.image Image ID of the selected brand
shop.brands.{{ brand.id }}.url URL of the selected brand
shop.brands.{{ brand.id }}.title Full title of the selected brand
shop.brands.{{ brand.id }}.count Count of products in the selected brand
shop.brands.{{ brand.id }}.feat Boolean for the products in the selected brand that are featured
shop.tags.{{ tag.id }}.id ID of the selected tag
shop.tags.{{ tag.id }}.url URL of the selected tag
shop.tags.{{ tag.id }}.title Title of the selected tag
shop.tags.{{ tag.id }}.count Amount of products with the selected tag
shop.tags.{{ tag.id }}.index Absolute figure of the tag rank.
shop.payments.{{ payment.title }}.id ID of the selected payment method
shop.payments.{{ payment.title }}.icon Image URL of the selected payment method
shop.payments.{{ payment.title }}.title Full title of the selected payment method
shop.express These are the distributors
shop.settings These are the different settings
shop.settings.catalog These are the catalog settings
shop.settings.catalog.prices Price options for the selected catalog
shop.settings.catalog.variants Variant options for the selected catalog
shop.settings.catalog.collection These are the collection catalog settings
shop.settings.catalog.collection.mode Mode options for the collection catalog settings: ‘grid’, ‘list’
shop.settings.catalog.collection.sort Sort options for the collection catalog settings: ‘default’, ‘popular’, ‘newest’, ‘lowest’, ‘highest’
shop.settings.catalog.collection.limit Limit options for the collection catalog settings (maximum of 24)
shop.settings.checkout These are the checkout options
shop.settings.checkout.minimum_amount Minimum amount options for the checkout
shop.settings.checkout.register Register options for the checkout
shop.settings.checkout.related_products Related products options for the checkout
shop.settings.checkout.coupons Coupons options for the checkout
shop.settings.checkout.calculate_shipping Calculate shipping options for the checkout
shop.settings.checkout.newsletter Newsletter options for the checkout
shop.settings.checkout.create Create options for the checkout
shop.settings.customer These are the customer options
shop.settings.customer.gender Gender options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.birthdate Birthdate options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.national_id National id options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.middlename Middlename options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.email Email options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.phone Phone options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.mobile Mobile options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.region Region options for the customers: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.social Expresses boolean if Social Media registration is activated
shop.settings.customer.company These are the company options
shop.settings.customer.company.mode Mode options for companies: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.company.coc CoC option for companies: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.customer.company.vat VAT option for companies: ‘false’, ‘optional’, ‘required’
shop.settings.legal.mode Legal mode concerned German legalisation: ‘normal’, ‘strict’
shop.settings.script Scripts added in the Backoffice
shop.settings.social These are the social settings
shop.settings.social.facebook Expresses boolean if Facebook setting is activated
shop.settings.social.twitter Expresses boolean if Twitter setting is activated
shop.settings.social.google Expresses boolean if Google+ setting is activated
shop.settings.social.addthis Expresses boolean if AddThis setting is activated
shop.settings.social.vk Expresses boolean if VK setting is activated
shop.settings.stats These are the stats settings
shop.settings.stats.google Google Analytics setting
shop.settings.stats.clicky Clicky stats setting
shop.settings.verify.google Verify google settings


The page variables contain all data associated with the current page.

Variable Description
page This is a single page
page.key Key of the page
page.title Title of the page
page.breadcrumbs The breadcrumb path
page.back The previous page
page.cart If you have products in your cart
page.cart.products If you have products in your cart
page.cart.total.price If you have products in your cart
page.account If your user is logged in
page.account.id User ID of the user that is logged in
page.account.gender Gender of the user that is logged in
page.account.email Email of the user that is logged in
page.account.firstname First name of the user that is logged in
page.account.middlename Middle name of the user that is logged in
page.account.lastname Last name of the user that is logged in
page.account.fulllastname Combination of the middle and last name of the user that is logged in
page.account.fullname Combintation of all names of the user that is logged in
page.recent This is the recent page
page.recent.id ID of the recently viewed product
page.recent.vid Variant ID of the recently viewed product
page.recent.image Image ID of the recently viewed product
page.recent.brand Brand of the recently viewed product
page.recent.brand.id Brand ID of the selected brand
page.recent.brand.image Brand image ID of the selected brand
page.recent.brand.url Brand URL of the selected brand
page.recent.brand.title Brand title of the selected brand
page.recent.brand.count Count of products in the selected brand
page.recent.brand.feat Boolean for the products in the selected brand that are featured.
page.recent.code Code of the recently viewed product
page.recent.ean EAN code of the recently viewed product
page.recent.sku SKU code of the recently viewed product
page.recent.score Score of the recently viewed product
page.recent.price Price of the recently viewed product
page.recent.price.price Price of the recently viewed product
page.recent.price.price_incl Price incl. VAT of the recently viewed product
page.recent.price.price_excl Price excl. VAT of the recently viewed product
page.recent.price.price_old Old price of the recently viewed product
page.recent.price.price_old_incl Old price incl. VAT of the recently viewed product
page.recent.price.price_old_excl Old price excl. VAT of the recently viewed product
page.recent.available Availability of the recently viewed product
page.recent.url URL of the recently viewed product
page.recent.title Title of the recently viewed product
page.recent.fulltitle Fulltitle (Brand + Title) of the recently viewed product
page.recent.variant Variant name of the recently viewed product
page.recent.description Description of the recently viewed product
page.recent.data_01 Data_01 field of the recently viewed product
page.compare The products containing the users comparison list
page.messages These are the messages on the page


The request variables contain different types of requests.

Variable Description
request For doing requests
request.method For selecting a request method
request.ssl For the SSL request
request.get Get request
request.post Post request
request.device Device request
request.device.platform Platform request
request.device.type Device type request
request.device.mobile Mobile device request
request.template Template request
request.renderer Renderer request

Template: page/brands.rain


The brands variables contain a list of all brands available.

Variable Description
brands.{{ brand.id }}.id ID of the selected brand
brands.{{ brand.id }}.image Image ID of the selected brand
brands.{{ brand.id }}.url URL of the selected brand
brands.{{ brand.id }}.title Title of the selected brand
brands.{{ brand.id }}.count Count of products in the selected brand
brands.{{ brand.id }}.feat Boolean for the products in the selected brand that are featured

Template: page/catalog.rain


The catalog variables contain all data associated with your catalog.

Variable Description
catalog.categories Cuurent categories in your catalog
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.id ID of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.parent Parent of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.path Path of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.depth Amount of path’s of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.image Image ID of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.type Type of the selected category. (‘category’, ‘text’)
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.url URL of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.title Title of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.description Description of the selected category
catalog.categories.{{ category.id }}.count The amount of products in the selected category
catalog.image Image ID of the current category
catalog.title Title of the current category
catalog.content Content of the current category

Template: page/collection.rain


The collection variables contain all data associated with a category page.

Variable Description
collection.filters Collection of all filters
collection.filters.page Filters active on the current page
collection.filters.sort Current status of the sort filter: ‘default’, ‘popular’, ‘newest’, ‘lowest’, ‘highest’
collection.filters.limit Current status of the limit filter
collection.filters.mode Current status of the mode filter: ‘grid’, ‘list’
collection.filters.min Current filter status of the minimum value for a price slider
collection.filters.max Current filter status of the maximum value for a price slider
collection.filters.brand Current filter status for the brand filter
collection.filters.search Current filter status of the search input
collection.filters.custom Current filter status of the custom value
collection.brand ID of the current brand
collection.brand2.id ID of the active current brand
collection.brand2.title Title of the active current brand
collection.brands.{{ brand.id }}.id ID of the selected brand
collection.brands.{{ brand.id }}.title Title of the selected brand
collection.search ####
collection.mode Current mode of the collection page: ‘grid’, ‘list’
collection.mode2.id ID of the current active mode
collection.mode2.title Title of the current active mode
collection.modes.{{ mode.id }}.id ID of the available modes
collection.modes.{{ mode.id }}.title Title of the available modes
collection.count Amount of products in the current collection
collection.page_prev Amount of pages that are previous in the current collection
collection.page_next Amount of pages that are next in the current collection
collection.limit Amount of products limited to the current collection
collection.page Page number of the current collection
collection.pages Total of pages of the current collection
collection.items_from ###
collection.items_to ###
collection.price_min Minimum value for a price slider
collection.price_max Maximum value for a price slider
collection.sort Standard sort option for the current collection
collection.sort2.id ID of the current sort option
collection.sort2.title Title of the current sort option
collection.sorts.{{ sort.title }}.id ID of the selected sort option
collection.sorts.{{ sort.title }}.title Title of the selected sort option
collection.products.{{ product.id }}.id ID of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.vid Variant ID of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.image Image ID of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.brand.id ID of the brand
collection.products.brand.image Image ID of the brand
collection.products.brand.url URL of the brand
collection.products.brand.title Title of the brand
collection.products.brand.count Amount of products in the brand
collection.products.brand.feat If the brand is used on a product in the feature list
collection.products.code Code of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.ean EAN code of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.sku SKU code of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.score Score of the reviews of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.price.price Price of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.price.price_incl Price incl. VAT of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.price.price_excl Price excl. VAT of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.price.price_old Old price of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.price.price_old_incl Old price incl. VAT of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.price.price_old_excl Old price excl. VAT of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.available If the product in the selected collection is available
collection.products.url URL of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.title Title of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.fulltitle Full title (Brand + title) of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.variant Variant title of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.description Description of the product in the selected collection
collection.products.data_01 Extra template data of the product in the selected collection
collection.image Image ID of the current collection
collection.title Title of the current collection
collection.content Content of the current collection

Template: page/index.rain


The headlines variables contain a list of headlines; user banners used in themes.

Variable Description
headlines.{{ headline.id }}.id ID of the selected headline
headlines.{{ headline.id }}.image Image ID of the selected headline
headlines.{{ headline.id }}.pause Pause time of the selected headline
headlines.{{ headline.id }}.url URL of the selected headline
headlines.{{ headline.id }}.title Title of the selected headline


The categories variables contain a list of categories.

Variable Description
categories.{{ category.id }}.id ID of the selected category
categories.{{ category.id }}.parent Parent ID of the selected category
categories.{{ category.id }}.path Path of the selected category
categories.{{ category.id }}.depth Amount of paths of the selected category
categories.{{ category.id }}.image Image ID of the selected category
categories.{{ category.id }}.type Type of the selected category: ‘category’, ‘textpage’
categories.{{ category.id }}.url URL of the selected category
categories.{{ category.id }}.title Title of the selected category
categories.{{ category.id }}.count Amount of products in the selected category

The featured variables contain a list of products.

Variable Description
featured.{{ feature.id }}.id ID of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.vid Variant ID of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.image Image ID of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.brand.id ID of the brand in the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.brand.image Image ID of the brand in the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.brand.url URL of the brand in the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.brand.title Title of the brand in the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.brand.count Amount of products in the selected brand
featured.{{ feature.id }}.brand.feat If the brand is used on a product in the feature list
featured.{{ feature.id }}.code Code of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.ean EAN code of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.sku SKU code of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.score Score of reviews of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.price.price Price of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.price.price_incl Price incl. VAT of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.price.price_excl Price excl. VAT of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.price.price_old Old price of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.price.price_old_incl Old price incl. VAT of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.price.price_old_excl Old price excl. VAT of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.available Boolean with the availability of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.unit.price Unit price of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.unit.unit Unit title of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.url URL of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.title Title of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.fulltitle Fulltitle (brand name + title) of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.variant Variant name of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.description Description of the selected feature product
featured.{{ feature.id }}.data_01 Extra template data of the selected feature product


The newest variables contains a list of products.

Variable Description
newest.{{ product.id }}.id ID of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.vid Variant ID of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.image Image ID of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.brand.id ID of the brand in the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.brand.image Image ID of the brand in the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.brand.url URL of the brand in the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.brand.title Title of the brand in the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.brand.count Amount of products in the selected brand
newest.{{ product.id }}.brand.feat If the brand is used on a product in the newest list
newest.{{ product.id }}.code Code of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.ean EAN code of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.sku SKU code of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.score Score of reviews of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.price.price Price of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.price.price_incl Price incl. VAT of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.price.price_excl Price excl. VAT of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.price.price_old Old price of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.price.price_old_incl Old price incl. VAT of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.price.price_old_excl Old price excl. VAT of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.available Boolean with the availability of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.unit.price Unit price of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.unit.unit Unit title of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.url URL of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.title Title of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.fulltitle Fulltitle (brand name + title) of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.variant Variant name of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.description Description of the selected newest product
newest.{{ product.id }}.data_01 Extra template data of the selected newest product

The popular variables contain a list of products.

Variable Description
popular.{{ product.id }}.id ID of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.vid Variant ID of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.image Image ID of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.brand.id ID of the brand in the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.brand.image Image ID of the brand in the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.brand.url URL of the brand in the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.brand.title Title of the brand in the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.brand.count Amount of products in the selected brand
popular.{{ product.id }}.brand.feat If the brand is used on a product in the popular list
popular.{{ product.id }}.code Code of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.ean EAN code of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.sku SKU code of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.score Score of reviews of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.price.price Price of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.price.price_incl Price incl. VAT of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.price.price_excl Price excl. VAT of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.price.price_old Old price of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.price.price_old_incl Old price incl. VAT of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.price.price_old_excl Old price excl. VAT of the selected popular popular
popular.{{ product.id }}.available Boolean with the availability of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.unit.price Unit price of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.unit.unit Unit title of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.url URL of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.title Title of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.fulltitle Fulltitle (brand name + title) of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.variant Variant name of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.description Description of the selected popular product
popular.{{ product.id }}.data_01 Extra template data of the selected popular product


The content variable contains content (text/html).

Variable Description
content Content information containing text/html content for the current page

Template: page/product.rain


The product variables contain all data associated with a product.

Variable Description
product.id ID of the current product
product.vid Variant ID of the current variant
product.image Image ID of the current product
product.brand.id ID of the brand in the current product
product.brand.image ID of the brand in the current product
product.brand.url URL of the brand in the current product
product.brand.title Title of the brand in the current product
product.brand.count Amount of products in the selected brand
product.brand.feat If the brand is used on a product in the feature list
product.code Code of the current product
product.ean EAN code of the current product
product.sku SKU of the current product
product.score Score of reviews of the current product
product.price.price Price of the current produc
product.price.price_incl Price incl. VAT of the current product
product.price.price_excl Price excl. VAT of the current product
product.price.price_old Old price of the current product
product.price.price_old_incl Old price incl. VAT of the current product
product.price.price_old_excl Old price excl. VAT of the current product
product.weight Weight of the current product
product.volume Volume of the current product
product.colli Colli of the current product
product.size.x X size of the current product
product.size.y Y size of the current product
product.size.z Z size of the current product
product.unit Unit of the current product
product.tax Amount of tax rated over the price of the current product
product.url URL of the current product
product.title Title of the current product
product.fulltitle Full title (Brand + Title) of the current product
product.variant Variant title of the current product
product.description Description of the current product
product.stock.available Availability of the current product
product.stock.on_stock If the current product is on stock
product.stock.track Keeping track of the stock of the current product
product.stock.level Stock level of the current product
product.stock.minimum Minimum stock of the current product
product.stock.maximum Maximum stock of the current product
product.stock.delivery Stock delivery of the current product
product.content Content of the current product
product.tags.{{ tag.id }}.id ID of the selected tag
product.tags.{{ tag.id }}.url URL of the selected tag
product.tags.{{ tag.id }}.title Title of the selected tag
product.tags.{{ tag.id }}.count Amount of products in the selected tag
product.specs Specifications of the current product
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.id ID of the custom field
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.type Type of the custom field: ‘text’, ‘radio’, ‘time’, ‘checkbox’
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.required Boolean for the requirement of the custom field
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.max_chars Maximum characters for the custom field
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.title Title of the custom field
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.value Standard value of the custom field
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.values.{{ value.id }}.id ID of the value
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.values.{{ value.id }}.price Price of the value
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.values.{{ value.id }}.percentage Percentage of the value
product.custom.{{ custom.id }}.values.{{ value.id }}.title Title of the value
product.options Options of the current product
product.variants Variants of the current product
product.discounts.{{ discount.quantity }}.id ID of the selected discount
product.discounts.{{ discount.quantity }}.quantity Quantity of the selected discount
product.discounts.{{ discount.quantity }}.price Price of the selected discount
product.discounts.{{ discount.quantity }}.percentage Percentage of the selected discount
product.discounts.{{ discount.quantity }}.unit.price Unit price of the selected discount
product.discounts.{{ discount.quantity }}.unit.unit Unit title of the selected discount
product.images Image ID of the current product
product.related Related products of the current product
product.reviews.{{ review.id }}.id ID of the selected review
product.reviews.{{ review.id }}.name Name of the selected review
product.reviews.{{ review.id }}.date Date of the selected review
product.reviews.{{ review.id }}.score Score of the selected review
product.reviews.{{ review.id }}.content Content of the selected review
product.quantity Quantity of the current product
product.data_01 Extra template data for the current product
product.data_02 Extra template data for the current product
product.data_03 Extra template data for the current product
product.metafield Metafields for the current product
product.canonical Canonical URL for the current product

Template: page/tags.rain


The tags variables contain a list of tags.

Variable Description
tags.{{ tag.id }}.id ID of the selected tag
tags.{{ tag.id }}.url URL of the selected tag
tags.{{ tag.id }}.title Title of the selected tag
tags.{{ tag.id }}.count Amount of products in the selected tag
tags.{{ tag.id }}.index Absolute figure of the tag rank

Template: page/textpage.rain


The textpage variables contain all data associated with a text page.

Variable Description
textpage.textpage.image Image ID of the uploaded image at the current textpage
textpage.textpage.title Title of the current textpage
textpage.textpage.content Content of the current textpage

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