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Viewing your subscription data

Not sure how many product variants you've used or how many email accounts you have left? You can view the features and limits of your subscription, and compare packages. Click here for information about plans and pricing.

  • On the left menu of the Back Office click Settings and from General Settings choose Your subscription.
    • Product variants - maximum number of products and product variants in your online store. 
    • User accounts - number of active users in the Back Office of your online store, which includes you and your staff members, if applicable.
    • Email accounts -number of email accounts you have created.
    • Email forwards - when activated, emails sent to the domain of your online store are forwarded another email address that you provide.
    • Domain forwards - if you have two domain names, for example youronlinestore.com and youronlinestore.co.uk, you can forward visitors from one domain to another.
    • Template editor - yes or no. For modifying the HTML and CSS files of your online store.
    • Translations - yes or no. Allows you to add translations.
    • B2B module - yes or no. Lightspeed provides special solutions for B2B customers.

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