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Exporting data

Use Lightspeed eCom's Exports tool to keep track of what's going on with your business by exporting data from your online store. For example, you can use the Exports tool to:

  • create exports of your orders, invoices, and sales to monitor your sales data;
  • export all your orders or shipments to be handled by a fulfillment group;
  • export all your products to change their prices and images and then re-import them;
  • export tax data for tax reporting.

Exporting your data

You can easily export your data into .CSV files.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Exports.

    Exports page.

  2. Click Add export.
  3. From the drop-down, choose what you want to export.

    Drop-down with export choices.

    • If applicable, select your date range.

      Drop-down with export choices and date range selector.

  4. Click Export.

The export will have the Processing status. If you are exporting a large amount of data, the export can take several minutes.

Export page with Status column emphasized.

When the export is complete, you'll receive an email with a link to the export file. You can also download the file by clicking Download.

Export page with Download button emphasized.

Export files in Retail POS will automatically be deleted after 30 days. It is important to ensure you download a backup copy to prevent data loss.

Understanding data export types

Due to differences in your store language, exports may vary from store to store. By visiting Settings > Store country, you can see which languages you have enabled for your store. You can see how each language is abbreviated in an export.

The data you select will be exported in a .CSV file. Below are the types of data you can export from eCom:

  • Products. Contains product information like the name, description, prices, inventory information, and image location URLs. You can read more about the column titles in product exports or learn how to import changes to your products.
  • Inventory. Contains data related to inventory variants, including tax type, title, and variant name.
  • Quotes. Contains the quote ID and name and email address of the customer.
  • Orders. Contains order data, including order status, product details, and customer details.
  • Shipments. Contains packing note data.
  • Invoices. Contains invoice data, including customer and shipping information.
  • Invoice Items. Contains invoice data as well as financial information, such as discount amounts and tax details.
  • Sales. Contains data for paid orders.
  • Customers. Contains data for registered customers and guest accounts.
  • Filters. Contains data for products that have had filters assigned, including the filters and their selected values.
  • Redirects. Contains redirect data.
  • Newsletter Subscriptions. Contains newsletter subscription data, which you can use with email marketing as part of marketing campaigns.
  • Payouts. Contains data about payouts.
  • Transaction Status. Contains data about transactions.


  • Refer to our Fixing broken exports article.

    1. Navigate to Tools > Exports.
    2. Look for exports with the Processing status.
    3. Click the checkbox next to any exports with the Processing status.
    4. Click the X item(s) selected button.

      List of exports selected, with Delete selected exports button.

    5. Click Delete selected exports.
    6. Click Delete exports.

      Pop-up confirming export deletion.

    The selected export(s) have been deleted. You will need to follow the steps in the Exporting your data section above to re-export any deleted files.

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