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Offering flat rate shipping

This flat rate shipping strategy involves creating a flat rate to balance the cost of shipping between your customers and your business. As it only requires one shipping method and no changes to your products, so it is very simple to set up.

Complete some research so you can set a fair cost for your flat rate. Base your decision on factors like the cost of shipping, competition, customer preference, average order size, etc. so that it is cost effective for both your business and your customers. You can also choose to implement free shipping over a certain amount in checkout.

For example, to charge customers a flat rate, one shipping method would be created, with the following settings:

  • Name: Flat rate
  • Description: UPS usually delivers in 2-5 business days.
  • Shipping weight range and rate:
    • From 0 - 1000 lbs,  6.50 USD
  • Country: United states


  1. Open your Lightspeed eCom Back Office and click Settings.
  2. In the second column called Store Settings, click Shipping methods.
  3. Click Add manual shipping method.
  4. Enter a title for the new shipping method that will be visible to your customers.
  5. Keep the type set as Default shipping and click Continue.
  6. Enter the name of the shipping method in the field labeled Title in the SHIPPING METHOD TITLE section. Optionally, type a description. For example: We ship using Fedex only.
  7. Click Add shipping rate in the SHIPPING RATES section.
  8. Create a tier that includes all your products. For example, enter a weight tier from 0 - 1000000.
  9. Select any unit of measurement.
  10. In the field labeled Rate excluding VAT, type the value of the flat rate you want to charge and click Save.
  11. If offering free shipping above an order amount, enter the amount in the field labeled Minimum order price for free shipping.
  12. In the COUNTRIES section, select the countries for which flat rate shipping should apply.
  13. In the TAX RATE section:
    1. North American eCom stores: Keep the switch labeled Calculate taxes automatically enabled.
    2. European, UK or Australian eCom stores: Select an appropriate tax rate.
  14. Click Save.

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