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Setting the legal mode to strict

eCom stores can be enabled to comply with German e-commerce law.

  1. In your eCom admin, select Checkout > Settings.
  2. In the ADVANCED SETTINGS section, set the Legal mode to Strict.
  3. Select Save.


To comply with German commercial law, the following changes are made to your eCom store:

  • For most places in your eCom store that show a price, an asterisks * is now displayed beside the price. Below, it indicates the additional costs caused by taxes or shipping. For example: Incl. VAT or Excl. VAT of Excl. Shipping costs. Shipping costs will often link to your eCom store's shipping page.
  • In your cart, the full company address is displayed. Excl. Additional forwarding fee is also displayed.
  • Products in the cart and on your customer's wishlist displays the weight and dimension of each product.
  • In your checkout, the price per unit is displayed if available. If you are using the default checkout, a message is displayed at the top: Your personal data will only be used for processing your order. For more information about the confidentiality of your information, see our Privacy policy. Privacy policy links to its page on your eCom store.
  • At the end of your checkout and during registration, customers can subscribe to your newsletter. Here it adds: (Unsubscribe at any time) For more information read our Newsletter terms and conditions. Newsletter terms and conditions are linked to its page on your website.
  • At the end of your checkout and during registration, customers can opt in to your terms of service. Here it adds: ...and confirm that I have read the disclaimer. Disclaimer links to its page on your eCom store.
  • On your customer registration page, it shows a link: Registration information. Selecting this displays a pop-up that explains customer accounts and how to delete them:
    By creating a customer account, your information will be automatically added to each order in the order form. You always have the option to delete your account. Please contact us directly so we can remove your account.

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