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Navigating the Lightspeed eCom App Store

You may want to link your online store with other software suites, such as accounting, email marketing, and fulfillment packages. Lightspeed eCom offers these linked apps in our integrated App Store. 

To access the App Store, navigate to Apps > App Store.

App Store page.

When you install an app, you will be required to submit your credentials. Only eCom users with full permissions will be allowed to install an app.

Purchased apps

Navigate to Apps > Purchased apps.

List of purchased apps.

Here you will find an overview of the apps you have purchased.

Clicking on an app provides you with options to Go to app, Reinstall app, or Cancel app.

List of purchased apps, with one app clicked for expanded view. Go to app, Reinstall app, and Cancel app options are emphasiezed.

Payments are either one-time or recurring. Apps are purchased for a minimum period of one month, rounded to whole months, and can be cancelled monthly.

App status

All purchased apps will be viewable in the Purchased apps section. The status of each app will be displayed as follows:

  • Installed: The app is installed and you may be billed for it.
  • Cancelled: The app has been cancelled. You may be billed one more time, depending on when the app was cancelled in the monthly billing cycle. The app will remain active during this period.
  • Expired: The app has been uninstalled and you will not be billed for it anymore.

If an app is cancelled immediately after installation (within 12 hours), no charges will be made to your account. However, if installation took place more than 12 hours ago, the entire month will be charged to your account.


To find invoices for purchased apps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Billing Information.

    Settings page, with Billing Information emphasized.

  2. Click View Invoices.

    Billing Information page, with View Invoices emphasized.

A list of your invoices will be displayed.

Invoices are also emailed to the finance email on file. This email is usually sent a day after the invoice is viewable.

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