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Changing your billing information

You can modify the information used for your billing. The information you enter here is not publicly visible. To edit the data about your company that is visible to customers go to Adding company information.

  1. On the left menu of the Back Office click Settings and from General Settings choose Billing Information


The address data you enter here is displayed on your monthly Lightspeed invoice. 

  • Country - country where your office is located.
  • Address - street name and number of your office.
  • City, State/Province and Zipcode - postal code, city and province of your office.


Enter the details for the contact person of your online store. If we want to get in touch with you, we will contact the person mentioned here.

  • Contact – person Lightspeed can contact.
  • Phone number – landline number, if applicable.
  • Mobile – mobile number.
  • Email - email address we can use to reach you. This can be a personal email address.
  • Email - email address we can use to reach you about financial topics. 


Enter your company data. This is required for a Lightspeed eCom store. 

  • Company name - name of your company, as registered with the Chamber of Commerce (CoC).
  • Industry- select line of business from the list. If your online store is active in several fields, pick the one that is the most representative.
  • Tax ID or VAT number - enter your Tax ID (North America), or VAT number (Europe). After you register with the Tax Authority (HM Revenue & Customs in the UK), you will receive a VAT identification number (VATIN). The full identifier starts with an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (except for Greece, which uses the non-standard country code EL) and then has between 2 and 12 characters. The identifiers are numeric digits in most countries, but in some countries can contain letters.
  • COC number - companies that register with the COC receive a COC identification number. In several European countries registration/membership is not required. It is required if your company is in the Netherlands.
  • Identification Number - such as National Identification Number (UK), Social Security Number (USA), or Social Insurance Number (Canada).

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