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Accepting orders from other countries

You can set which countries you will accept orders from. Your customers can select the country where they live, and countries that you do not accept orders from are not displayed. If you do not select any countries, you can automatically receive orders worldwide, so we recommend that you select at least one country.

  1. On the left menu of the Back Office click Settings > Store country.
  2. Click Change country selection, select the countries you want to accept orders from and click Save.
  3. Set up shipping methods for the newly added countries. This step is important, as it ensures your foreign customers can place orders. Failing to edit or create new shipping methods may result in your customers seeing the message No shipping methods available for this country in checkout. For more information about shipping, click here.
  4. Add HS codes to your products when using EasyPost or ShipStation. For more information about adding HS codes, click here.
  5. Next, consider adding new languages or adding a currency.

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