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Customizing your checkout information

You can customize the type of information your customers are required to enter before they can make a purchase at your eCom store. If you are using the new checkout, you can also customize your checkout theme.

In general, the simpler your checkout process, the more likely your customers are to complete a purchase. With this in mind, we recommend asking for less information with the goal of increasing your conversion rate. You can adjust the default settings to:

Require stronger passwords

All password strengths require a minimum of 5 characters. The Normal password strength is the default option and has no extra requirements. The Strong option requires an additional number of characters. The Strongest option requires both an additional number and a special character.

If you require a more complex password, your customers may need to try a few times before creating a password that meets all the requirements. This may decrease account creation and conversion, so we recommend changing this setting only if absolutely necessary.

  1. In your eCom back office, select Settings.
  2. At the bottom of the General Settings column, select Advanced.
  3. Under ACCOUNTS & SERVICE select Strong or Strongest.
  4. Click Save.

Require address details

When your customers register at your online store and create an account, they can add their address details. This is optional by default, but you can make it a requirement. This change will not affect your checkout. 

  1. In your eCom back office, select Settings.
  2. Select Advanced at the bottom of the General Settings column.
  3. Scroll down to the REGISTRATION section. Click the dropdown menu labeled Address details and select Required.
  4. Click Save.

Adjust fields in the checkout and account creation form

The fields your customers are required to enter can be modified. These changes will affect both customer account creation and checkout. The default settings are:


  • Date of birth
  • COC number
  • Gender
  • Middle name
  • National ID
  • Business customer type


  • Company information
  • Mobile phone


  • Phone number
  • Region (optional for European stores)

To change them:

  1. In your eCom back office, select Checkout. Then, select Configuration.
  2. In the CUSTOMER DETAILS section, next to Additional customer fields, select Edit.
  3. Select Hidden, Optional, or Required for any customer detail.
  4. Select Save.

Increase email accuracy

By default, eCom requires your customers to enter an email address once. You can increase email accuracy by requiring customers to enter their email twice:

  1. In your eCom admin, select Checkout. Then, select Configuration.
  2. In the CUSTOMER DETAILS section, enable the switch labeled Email address confirmation.
  3. Select Save.

Require a VAT number

A VAT number is a registered tax identification number used in European tax systems and is only useful to merchants who sell to European businesses.

When selling business to business, or B2B, you can request a VAT number from a business. By default, this feature is disabled in your eCom back office. You can make it mandatory or optional. You can also confirm the VAT’s format is correct via validation. 

  1. In your eCom back office, select Checkout. Then, select Configuration.
  2. In the CUSTOMER DETAILS section, next to Additional customer fields, select Edit.
  3. In the BUSINESS CUSTOMER FIELDS section, click the drop-down next to Tax number. Select Optional, Optional + Validate number, Required, or Required + Validate number.
  4. When validation is set, the VAT number field will not accept spaces. According to the European Union's website, the United Kingdom, France, and Denmark have spaces in their VAT number format. If you sell to businesses in these regions, we recommend you don't use the validation option.
  5. Click Save.

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