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Applying discount codes after tax

For tax-exclusive eCom stores, you can choose to apply discount codes after tax individually or in bulk. By default, discount codes are applied before tax. Applying a percentage discount code after tax means your customer will receive a greater discount. Only apply discount codes after tax after verifying your regional tax laws. 

For European eCom stores, this setting is hidden unless your tax settings are set to tax exclusive which is normally only required when selling business to businesses (B2B). This can be enabled in Settings > TaxesAll prices exclude taxes. In North American eCom stores, your eCom store should be set as tax exclusive by default.


  1. In your eCom admin, go to Marketing.
    Shows an arrow hovering over 'Marketing' in the main menu of the eCom admin.
  2. Select Edit on the relevant the discount code, or create a new one.
    Shows an arrow hovering over the edit button.
  3. Disable the switch labeled Apply discount before tax.
    Shows an arrow pointing to the before/after tax switch.
  4. Select Save.
    Shows an arrow hovering over the save button.

In bulk

  1. In your eCom admin, go to Marketing.
    Shows an arrow hovering over 'Marketing' in the main menu of the eCom admin.
  2. Check the boxes beside the discount codes you want to modify.
    Shows an arrow hovering over a checkbox to the left of a discount code.
  3. Select X item(s) selectedApply Discount After Tax.Shows an arrow hovering over the apply after tax bulk action button.

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