Hi. How can we help?

2 b. Cluster information

  • In order to better serve our clients worldwide, we have multiple server clusters hosted in different areas. Please note that at the time of this writing, the clusters are not linked; they are independent of each other. This means any updates to your theme will have to be performed on each cluster.

    We currently have 2 separate clusters for eCom:

    • Europe (EU)
    • North America (NoAm)

    Login information

    Your login information may be different on each cluster. Contact your partner manager for more information.

    Lightspeed eCom V2

    EU Cluster : https://SHOPNAME.webshopapp.com/admin/

    NoAm Cluster : https://SHOPNAME.shoplightspeed.com/admin/


    Within our different clusters, we have a series of different resellers which are areas within our system based on different countries or regions.

    Note: If you need a shop transfer (in the case of a staging area or for testing purposes) both shops must be located within the same Reseller.

    Themes available to all our users must have a description and documentation in the region's target language. Support must be offered in English, target languages are appreciated.

    • Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg)
    • Dach (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
    • Canada
    • United States
    • The United Kingdom
    • Others

    We currently ask that all themes contain German, French, Dutch and English documentation and descriptions in order to be sold and explained in the respective languages of the resellers. If you have any issues concerning the translations of your content, please speak to your partner manager.

    Transferring between clusters

    Once you are published on either cluster, you will need to transfer to the other side of the atlantic to be able to access clients in each of our main markets. Please follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition:

    1. Create a shop under the correct "root" server on the other cluster
    2. Share the shop URL or ID with your partner manager and indicated that you would like a transfer performed there from your original theme url.
    3. Make exports of your products from the source shop and import them in your your new shop
    4. Once the transfer in step 2 is completed, adjust the Theme Settings on your new shop to make them identical to your source shop.
    5. Important: Presets do not get transferred so they have to be re-created on the new theme shop. Preset demo shops do NOT have to be re-created as they only serve as an example of what the theme looks like once installed.
    6. Add the same theme description & preset screenshots in the new shop as in the source theme store
    7. Go to your partner dashboard and hit Publish, then inform your partner manager


    What's next?

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