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eCom image & platform limits

Use this article as a reference to determine the limits of the Lightspeed eCom platform. The limits have been organized into two parts: Image limits and the remaining limits to the rest of the platform itself.

Image limits

In Lightspeed eCom, themes are designed to ensure an image is always optimized on the webpage, regardless of the original size of image uploaded. However, when overriding the theme code, the platform limits should be considered. Images in Lightspeed eCom have the following limits:


Number of images per product. Depending on eCom version:

  • eCom standalone: 10
  • Omnichannel: 12

Max image size

25 MB. It's recommended you balance the size of your images with your page load speed and keep images less than 1 MB. Smaller images will greatly improve your website's load speed.

Max image dimensions

Images up to 5128px x 5128px will be stored unscaled. Images with dimensions larger than this will be scaled to 5128px on the largest dimension's edge.

Supported image formats

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .gif *
  • .png
  • .webp

*The .gif will be uploaded to all areas, but it is only supported in the content section or long description.

Recommended color space for images

Any RGB color space. Images with a CMYK color space noticeably diminish in color when uploaded to eCom.

Platform limits

The eCom platform has limits that apply to all users. These limits are optimized to guarantee responsive operation of all online stores hosted on our platform.

Some limits can be increased, depending on your eCom store and how it's setup. Contact your account manager, or our sales team. For more information about contacting us, click here.


  • Products: Depends on your subscription. Compare your subscription by clicking on your location:
  • Variants:
    • 25,000 Standalone
    • 15,000 when connected to a Retail POS (Omnichannel).
  • Variants per product: 100
  • Related products per product: 10
  • Custom fields per product: 20
  • Quantity discounts per product: 10
  • Images per product:
    • 10 Regular
    • 12 Omnichannel
  • Title/Full Title: 264 characters
  • SKU, Article Code, Barcode:  255 characters
  • Product Content: 65,532 characters
  • Product URL: 50 characters (in the input field)
  • Custom Template Data Fields: 255 characters


  • Categories: 2000
  • Categories per product: 25
  • Custom sorting within a category: Up to 1000 products within a category
  • Number of Featured categories: 20


  • Filters: 6
  • Values per filter: 15
  • Filter values per product: 25


  • Tags: 15,000
  • Tags per product: 25
  • Products per tag: 500


  • Specifications: 50
  • Specifications titles and attributes: 254 characters


  • Reviews: 10,000
  • Reviews per product: 50


  • Customer Groups: 50
  • Customers per customer group: 1000


  • Blogs: 5
  • Visible blog posts in Recent blog posts section: 5
  • Blog post contents: 65,494 characters


  • Upsell Products in checkout: 25
  • Snippets in the theme: 20
  • Products on the homepage: 24
  • Number of visible Headlines: 10
  • Products on a customer Wish list: 50
  • Products in search results (frontend): 250


  • Discount rules: 20
  • Discount codes: no limit


  • Content Pages: 65,532 characters
  • KB on a page: 640,000
  • Service Pages (content pages): 20
  • Translation content: 61,148 characters


  • Import new products: 1,000
  • Update Existing products with an import: 10,000
  • Imports per day: 25


  • Currencies: 6
  • Redirects: 25,000
  • Languages: 7
  • Files (through Tools Files): 500 (max. 50MB in total)
  • Maximum amount of products per order/quote: 100
  • Additional Costs: 100
  • Brands: 1,000
  • Suppliers: 100
  • Hallmarks: 50
  • Domains: 1


  • API rate limits: 300 / 3.000 / 12.000 (5 min / 1 hour / 1 day)
  • Number of API keys: 3 (If at least an advanced subscription)
  • Front-End API limits (i.e. ajax requests): Bucket with 50 requests (leak rate of 5 requests/sec) per IP (read more on leaky bucket algorithm)

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