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Understanding customer accounts

Any consumer who creates an account in the C-Series storefront will now receive a verification link in their email. Only after the verification is complete will consumers be able to login. You can customize the content of this verification email by following the instructions in our Editing notification emails article.

When your customers log into your online store and access their My account page, they see a dashboard of their account, with an overview of recently placed orders and their account data.

From the My account page, your customers can send tickets, modify their account information and address details, and view their shopping cart and wish list.

They can also click My orders to see an overview of their orders, as well as the details of individual orders.


Your customers can add items from your online store to their wish lists, making it easy for them to keep track of all the products they desire. By default, the My wishlist page is enabled for your customers.

  • Viewing the products on customer wish lists, click here.
  • Removing wishlists from your eCom store, click here.

Customers can access wishlists in their account by clicking My wishlist.

Displays an arrow pointing to the My wishlist button in the customer account on the wishlist page.

They can also click Add to wishlist on a product page.

Displays an arrow pointing to the Add to wishlist button on the product page.

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