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Session 2 - products (eCom version)

In this session, product related content is setup, including categories and brands. The prerequisite for this session is having Session 1 completed.

  1. Set up your products

    1. Login to your eCom Back office and click Products.
    2. Select a product by clicking its title.
    3. Enter a short description no larger than 256 characters.
    4. Scroll to the section called CONTENT and type your content in the text editor. The more original content the better.

      Product descriptions vs content A product description is a summary used to attract customers to the product. Normally 1-2 sentence(s) long. Product content is a story that provides a detailed description of the product. Normally 1-2+ paragraph(s) long.

    5. Scroll down to the section IMAGES and click Browse files. Upload your product's images.
    6. Scroll up to the section INVENTORY & VARIANTS and click the image placeholder [+] button to the left of the variant to specify the variant's image.
    7. Click on the specific image and click Save. Repeat these steps for all variants.
    8. Scroll down and under Advanced options, click Related products.

      Related products for upselling Add related products to upsell customers in your cart and further improve the SEO of your eCom store.

    9. Click Add product.
    10. Scroll through the list and click Choose beside any similar or related products.
    11. Click Close and then Save.
    12. Repeat these steps for all your other products.

    For more information on formatting and using this text editor, click here.

  2. Set up your categories

    1. From your eCom Back Office, click Products.
    2. Click Categories from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.
    3. Select a category by clicking its title.
    4. In the CATEGORY INFORMATION section, briefly explain what is contained within the category in the field labeled Description.
    5. In the CONTENT section, speak in detail to your customers about the products in this category. The more original content, the better.
    6. Scroll down to the IMAGE section and click Browse Files.
    7. Locate and select the image that represents this category and click Open.
    8. Repeat these steps for all your categories.

    If you enter details in the fields labeled Description and Content, then SEO content will automatically use this information. For more information on improving the content, images and entering alternative SEO information, click here.

    For more information on formatting and using this text editor, click here.

  3. Set up your brands

    1. From your eCom Back Office, click Products.
    2. Click Brands from the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.
    3. Select a brand by clicking its title.
    4. In the CONTENT section, enter a description of the brand.
    5. Scroll down to the IMAGE section and click Browse Files.
    6. Locate and select the brand logo click Open.
    7. Repeat these steps for all your brands.

    For more information on formatting and using this text editor, click here.

You've completed Session 2, begin Session 3 here.

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