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Changing an active eCom store from http to https

When your website has been operational using only http in the web address, changing your URL to https will affect any tool or system that used your http web address. When this happens, make sure to update anything that had your former URL. Make sure to:

Update Google Search Console

You’ll need to force Google Search Console to verify your website through an https:// connection.

  1. Log on to Google Search Console.
  2. Click ADD A PROPERTY.
  3. Enter your website's domain name with the https:// prefix; for example, https://www.domain.com
    The new property uses the same verification code and will, therefore, be verified immediately.

    If you haven't yet set up Google Search Console for your website, see Configuring Google Search Console (Webmasters). Otherwise, continue to step 4, below.

  1. From the sidebar on the left, click Crawling, then click Sitemaps.
  2. Click ADD/TEST SITEMAP on the right.
  3. Enter sitemap.xml in the text area that's provided.
  4. Click Submit Sitemap.
  5. Delete the previous sitemap from the old property (http://) if it exists.

Update Google AdWords

If applicable, update your domain name on Google AdWords from http://www.domain.com to https://www.domain.com.

You'll need to also update Google Adwords Sitelinks. On Google Adwords, navigate to Ad extensions > Extensions for sitelinks.

Update affiliate networks

If applicable, update your domain name with affiliate networks, such as, Google shopping, Facebook Business, etc.: from http://www.domain.com to https://www.domain.com

You might also need to update XML feed URLs.

Update payment notification URLs

If you use a Payment Service Provider that supports notification URLs to communicate with an online store, check whether or not the URLs use https://.

If you're unsure, contact your Payment Service Provider's support department.

Update internal links on your website

Update all internal links on your website using the Template Editor. Go to Design > Personalize Theme and change all occurrences of http://www.domain.com to https://www.domain.com, then click Save.

If applicable, do the same for other links and pictures you've added to product descriptions, categories, text pages, etc.

If you've activated the Theme Editor, it's possible the theme you're currently running uses http:// links. Verify the head.rain, fixed.rain and product.rain files and change all occurrences of http:// to https://. You can do this rather quickly by searching through the files for http:, using either the CMD-F or CTRL-F keys.

TIP: scan your website with www.whynopadlock.com.

Update redirects on your website

If your website has redirects, update them all to https://.

You can do this by exporting the redirects to a file from the Back Office:

  1. On the left panel of the Back Office navigate to Tools > Export > New export > Redirects.
  2. Open the exported file with either Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or Google Sheets.
  3. Replace all occurrences of http:// with https://. (Use CMD-F or CTRL-F and perform a search and replace.)
  4. Once you've updated the file, import it back into your website: Tools > Import > Select file > Open > Select a category > Redirects > Continue.

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